An Upsurge In The Demand of Online Shoppers

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An upsurge in the demand of online shoppersOnline Marketing Channels

Online retailers knew the importance of user-friendly and differentiated shopping experience especially when they are dealing with an online vertical. Online shopping experience has different elements that initiates customer loyalty, their recommendations and brands they prefer.

A survey done by a leading marketing data analytics company, the comScore Inc, suggests that online shoppers expect more services from online retailers. Be it an additional information from the beginning or different checkout options or even multiple channels of interaction with favourite retailers, topics related to the online shopping experience are getting more specific, intense and focused. The topmost concern of the today's online shoppers are simple and an easy return process, free-shipping and access from mobile & supportive social media.

While there are various aspects of an online shopping experience, more than 50% of the respondents reply positively for the following elements:

  • Overall satisfaction.
  • Ease of checkout.
  • Product & brand variety.
  • Online tracking of products ordered.
  • Account creation.
  • Multiple payment options.
  • Free shipping on a particular amount of purchase.
  • Simple product return policy.

The survey divides the online shopping experience into multiple channels available to online customers, the various choices available to the customers for shipping and the convenience in returning the goods purchased.

Multiple Channels for online shopping: Shoppers prefer integrated channels for value added experience across platforms such as in-store, web store and through the online devices. More than half of the online customers prefer online buying with facility to return goods in-store. Additionally, nearly half of the customer prefers in-store pick-up and one-third of the them wishes in-store purchase from their mobile devices.

Various Choices: An access to different options for shipping & delivery of the goods purchased converts into fall in the abandonment of shopping carts. Information given beforehand regarding shipping costs and delivery times helps in assuaging cart abandonment. Free shipping is also one of the major factors that induce online visitors to make final purchases. The survey indicates that almost 75% of the online visitors had added items in their shopping cart for qualifying free shipping service.

Convenient return policies: Goods return policies are also a major factor that affects the shopping experience. More than half of the online customers stated that they are interested in online shopping if offered problem-free and convenient goods return policies.

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