Inducing Customers for Expenditing Sales
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One of the hardest things for any retailer around the globe is running a profitable business on a continuous basis. Online retailers resort to various techniques to increase sales as well as revenues. However, increased sales doesn’t tantamount to a higher percentage of revenue generated.
Since various factors affect revenue and sales generation, retailers are able to manage only those factors that are inherent to their line of business. Howbeit, there are other factors that have an impact on the global retail industry but, are outside the purview of retail industry.

Nevertheless, retailers can influence the customers by keeping following principles:

  • Correspond to customers: There are various ways with which retailers can interact with customers while they make purchases. Any kind of gifts with their purchases or offering free samples on a certain amount of items purchased increases communication with the customers. In order to increase synergies with the prospective customers, companies are trying different types of offerings to perturb their buying decision. Offering exciting content in the form of puzzle or game is one the ways companies can interact with them. Creating a brand identity is what the retailers focus so that they can increase the brand recall of the items.
  • Faultless customer service: Most of the companies dealing in online vertical find customer service as an important part of the whole process of online sales. A commitment to serve customers holds retailers liable to serve them up to the mark. Offering products to certain specific customers to use before making final purchases provides first hand user experience about the products too.
  • Creating association: An association with certain products develop liking about them. A celebrity endorsement of product or discounted price products surely generates a certain level of association. Retailers are resorting to various ways to get more number of likes about the products or their web stores. A few of them are:
    • Getting associated with a story: An audio-visual usually describes a certain idea about the product. This helps customers in associating themselves with that certain scenario which in-turn develops instant affiliation. The color, font, image style or even an idea uniquely presented develops an association with customers and urges them to use it.
    • Online retailers resort to developing web pages on social media channels. This gives an opportunity to the existing and new customers to like the product web pages. Customers definitely want to share things on the social pages that add some value in the lifestyle.
    • Linking on Social Media format: Online retailers resort to developing web pages on social media channels. This gives an opportunity to the existing and new customers to like the product web pages. Customers engage in sharing things over the social media that adds value to their lifestyle.
    • Related products: Online retailers adopt this strategy for increasing sales by displaying the products related to main products. This helps in urging customers to purchase those products that compliment the main products such as selling mobile covers as a related to mobile as a main product.
  • Limited stock offers: Any kind of limited period offer pressurizes online customers to make purchases because of its limited availability. This basically creates a frenzy among online customers to avail such limited period offers that gives discounted products or seasonal bargain.