Our shopping cart software is compatible with all of the major credit card platforms Including Visa Mastercard Amex and Discover. In your admin control panel you will have access to set your payment gateway up with one of our service providers we are compatible with.
Imagine you have store in a busy shopping mall and from morning through evening, you have a 500-yards long queue of shoppers outside the gate. Your salespersons can’t even breath, your printers are getting heated up after printing rolls after rolls of invoices, your purchase team is frantically asking suppliers to replenish your stock and you, the retailer are getting thrilled by continuously bulging sales figures!
Well, this is everybody’ dream - isn’t it? But, very few of us are fortunate enough to see getting this dream realized. Interestingly, these ‘lucky’ retailers have something in common. They have a constant store foot traffic driven to their retail store. Not every time a visitor becomes a buyer; but they become aware of the products, they talk, and they come back and so on. Gradually, the “consumers’ affection” will gradually turn into an ‘infection’ leading to landslide sales.
However, it’s not that easy to make people visit your store. For instance, why would they visit your store? More specifically, how would they know that they should visit your store to get the product they want? Well, this is a million dollar question!
The key behind getting continuous store foot traffic is in spreading the awareness of your products en masse. People SHOULD have visual ideas about your products, know the pricing, aware of any discount options, your credentials and above all, they should have the ‘feeling’ that you can serve them well. In a nutshell, to increase the foot traffic to your store, you will need to take your products to people. Now tell me, what best way can you think of other than using a flexible online store that would represent your retail business?
An online store powered by a custom shopping cart solution will not only help you to get huge additional sales, but it would spread the ‘word’ like wildfire also. Your online store can become the replica of your physical store on the web that people can easily access from home, from office, while travelling, from simply anywhere. People can check everything about your products online and would simply walk into your store to buy. Forget those “do-you-have-that” questions from your potential customers; they would already know that you have the right product for them! Now tell me - isn’t that what you want for your business?
Generating healthy foot traffic is just the tip of the “iceberg of possibilities” of a custom shopping cart. In fact, a flexible and 100% custom shopping cart like 24SevenCart can give new height to your business with steadily escalating revenue figures. With 24sevenCart online shopping cart solution, you can increase the visibility of your products and at the same time, can give your customers the leisurely way of shopping from your store.