Our company is integrated with several credit card processing platforms and our partnerships make it easy for you to get set up with credit card processing that is tightly integrated with your software solution. You will have a robust mission critical shopping cart system that you could rely on with little to no downtime.
Articles and web contents
At our disposal, we have a group of experts with years of experience in the ecommerce industry. These experts, amongst others, help us to compile quality articles on ecommerce solutions for the readers. Each article we have in our database is meticulously written to cover the entire topic so that the reader can get the most authentic information quickly.
10 Ways to Make Smooth Landing Possible
Search engines usually do not direct your visitors to the best landing page on your site. How you optimize on your landing page makes a lot of difference to your customer retention efforts. Read on below for ten useful things that you can do to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your landing page. These ways will help you convert visitors into customers.
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Does Google Shopping Impact SEO? If Yes, Then How?
It is not enough for web based store locator pages to provide basic information like physical addresses of different businesses. The pages need to house more comprehensive information such as working hours, holidays, services, name of the business owner, contact numbers and other related information which can be of use to searchers. Usually, searchers look for this kind of information and a locations page to cater to this requirement.
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Optimize Your Website to Get Spotted In Local Searches
It is not enough for web based store locator pages to provide basic information like physical addresses of different businesses. The pages need to house more comprehensive information such as working hours, holidays, services, name of the business owner, contact numbers and other related information which can be of use to searchers. Usually, searchers look for this kind of information and a locations page to cater to this requirement.
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Things to Keep In Mind for SEO Site Migration
You need to be very careful when you plan site migration from one platform to another or when you plan to revamp your existing website. Such drastic changes might have a deep influence on SEO, besides posing a potential threat to sales and traffic. However, if you keep certain things in mind, you can turn this impact into your advantage and enhance your SEO rank.
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Tips for High Rankings
If you are looking for a proven way of increasing your ranking on the search engine, you can check out 24SevenCart. The store builder has a significant array of features that make it possible to build a website in a very SEO friendly manner.
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Why Does SEO Bring Delayed Results?
People who are associated with SEO are well aware that it is a time consuming process. But why does it have to be time consuming when paid marketing campaigns spew up results with almost immediate effect? There are a lot of things that play an important role in deciding the effectiveness and turnaround time of a SEO campaign. Read on below to know more.
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Why Globalizing Your E-Commerce Business Is Vital To Your Future?
The internet has erased geographical boundaries between nations with regard to trade and commerce. People can shop from any store in the world, if they are willing to pay shipping charges and other expenses. Considering the trends.
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Selling Online Tips to Increase Holiday Sales
Online shopping industry is on a huge boom. With people of different countries spending billions of dollars in online shopping, it is only natural for businesspersons to shift their focus online. The trend has definitely taken roots and several small and medium businesses have opened online portals.
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Why start E-Commerce?
With the development of web technology, it has become much easier to do business on an international platform. According to recent surveys undertaken by Gartner, the trusted IT research service based in New York
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Role of social media in promoting your online store’s products
A study by the leading business analyst group Nielsenwire has revealed some startling facts about the American web surfers. The study shows that 23% of an American’s time used online, is spent on social media websites.
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Online retail: How to know your customer's psychology
mindset of the customer becomes entirely different when it comes to
purchase something over the web. In his sub-conscious mind, the customer usually looks for a better deal
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Customer care process for your online retail business
The success of an online store depends on how effectively you can serve your customers. Online customers are more detail-oriented and they prefer to be treated more attentively.
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Security of RMS integrated shopping carts
Security is one of the basic aspects of any ecommerce store. You may be a retailer with a big brick-and-mortar store with a robust retail management system like the one provided through Microsoft Dynamics RMS.
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Key to success in online retailing: Be appealing to women
Shopping has been an obsession of women across the globe. A new shop in the neighborhood, a new shopping mall in the area, a new brand launched – women are first to know and first to go. When it comes to shopping,
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How to cut down ad expenses
A study by the leading business analyst group Nielsenwire has revealed some startling facts about the American web surfers. The study shows that 23% of an American’s time used online, is spent on social media websites.But, what makes the difference between profitable retailing and the not-so-profitable one is how you market your retail store .
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Get ready for the ‘shopping’ season
The off-season gives you the time to assess your business capabilities and plan for the shopping season. In fact, most of the successful online retailers analyze, plan and act during this period; thus, just before the shopping starts, they launch something completely NEW and end up achieving ‘record-sales’ by the time the shopping season is over. Forget those game-changing marketing ideas of online giants.
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Tips to make your Microsoft Dynamics RMS promote your business
Being a retailer, you must make both your retail and the web store a ‘happening place’ for your shoppers. There should be one or the other promotional activity running on your store. A group of your customers should always be looking for the next sales day or promotion activity.
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Online retail booms as shopping season kick-starts
For online retailers, the year-long wait is over as the shopping season is in full swing now. Despite a sluggish recovery, there is no shortage of enthusiasm for online shoppers who are already on a buying spree. Thanks to flexible and innovative strategies of online retailers, the web shoppers are finding it more convenient to shop online.
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Secret of successful online retailing: Be innovative and give more option to your online store customers
If the current statistics are anything to go by, the prowess of the internet and it revenue spinning power is primarily driven by a robust growth of the online retailing industry.